
Lauren Perry-Evergreen Editor

Lauren Perry

Evergreen Editor

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Author Details

Lauren is a writer, editor, surfer, traveler, amateur philosopher, and even more amateur martial artist. She has degrees in both Philosophy and Journalism, and has explored 13 countries and 44 states. She currently resides in North Carolina.

Industry Focus

Lauren Perry is an Evergreen Editor and part-time writer and MovieWeb. She has been writing for MovieWeb since May 2022. Her articles primary focus on buddhism, philosophy, art, and fantasy/sci fi.

Favorite Media

Lauren loves fantasy and sci-fi, and has a soft spot for animation. Her favorite directors are Hayao Miyazaki and Wes Anderson, and she adores anything Cartoon Saloon makes. She could talk all night about how great Everything Everywhere All At Once is, or how underrated Man From Earth is (go watch it!)

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